Saturday, 4 May 2013

Every relationship has its squabbles - for Gaelle Kermin

Hmm today's writing seems to be about relationships, perhaps I'm feeling all loved up and silly :-) Well anyway, the key to this story is what I instantly thought about when I thought of you Gaelle, hope you like it.

And then she pulled her tongue as if to say...well she didn't know what she was trying to say, but she wasn't happy. She was only half mocking him.

"Come on ducky poo, you know I didn't mean it" he cooed

Oh god, the sloppy stuff always came out when he knew he had done something wrong. It's as if he thought butter wouldn't melt if he said 'sweet' names to her and spoke like a child. And hence her response was to pull her tongue. It seemed apt. With a hot fiery Latino lover perhaps she would have screamed and thrown the crockery in mock rage? But no, for John, her usually wonderful but sometimes infuriating, calm headed English partner, she pulled her tongue.

"Just please don't do it again" she sighed

"Ok, I wont, I promise, but perhaps you might want to share?"

Aghh her mind fumed, why the BUT! A but in a sentence annuls all that is before it and highlights the true meaning after it, I.e. he wasn't sorry, he would do it again, nothing in this house was private, and nothing was her own! Her mind ranted, her fists clenched, but still she bit her tongue. He is a kind loving man, she forced herself into a mantra, he is a kind loving man, he has few faults...except this ruddy massive one. Her blood boiled again, why could she not let it go.

"Just leave it John" she snapped

He skulked away, tail between his legs. In her moods it was best to stay out of the way. He busied himself, he wandered off, he visited his shed and around dinner time he pottered back into the house.

"How about pancakes for dinner" he suggested gently

"Fine but you can make them" she was on a roll and not ready to back down yet. Let him suffer.

"Nutella darling?

Her eyes whipped up. Before her two jars, a little one with a blue lid and the word John, and a second huge jar with a pink lid and the word Gaelle.

"That's very stereotypical to use those colours.." but she stopped, she couldn't be mean. A smile was already creeping across her face. She laughed, if the worst thing they argued about was Nutella she was very lucky indeed!

The End


  1. hmm - this bear wanted to know what the argument was all about - perhaps you could write the argument another time?! ;)

  2. Oh dear I will have to revise this story, as its not clear enough. The argument was about him stealing her nutella. Leave it with me :-) Thanks for the feedback, I am always too close to them and obviously know the answer, so can't always tell if I've made the answer clear.

  3. Hahaha! I love it! I can't believe you wrote it over a year ago and I hadn't seen i! For the record, John probably eats more Nutella now than I do :-)

  4. Thank you :-) xox
