Thursday, 2 May 2013

Day 18 - The Confectioners Perfume (a very short tale)

A short tale for you:

"Venture not into the light", cried the svelte figure
Delve my pretty, your hearts delights beckon you forth", cooed the rather plumper figure

Head swaying back and forth, left to right, she hesitated. Her mind cast back to the contents of that light? Was it worth it? She ummed. Plenty of greenery, succulent fruits and lakes of refreshing water. It was true, it was not the sinly Eden it had once been. Gone were the towers of fresh cream cakes, the dark jar enticing her forward to savour its warm rich velvet. Not just any warm rich velvet, M&S double truffle dark chocolate warm rich velvet. Oh how her mouth salivated for just a teaspoon of that nectar. But it was a dream, gone. It no longer took pride of place on her centre shelf. In its place. An unshapely monstrosity.  Green, limp, without even the most basic self pride to bother investing itself with taste. Lettuce, oh this bain. This trial that must be trod, and for what? Health, vitality, youth? Can those really not be found from cake? Surely smiles, laughter and joy, a prerequisite, a basis for all cake. Surely these offer more to life than lettuce? And so to the conundrum,  to enter the light or not?

I have decided to leave the tale short, perhaps you can think of your own ending? To enlighten you as to my choices. I'm afraid I followed the sinners path. I delved, gorged and remorse that there was no cake. What little comfort that every ounce of food available has been devoured and yet it unlikely totals one slither of decadent perfection. Oh cake, where aren't though cake?

Well I ruddy know where you are, you are in the bakery next door wafting your confectioners perfume. Who's silly idea was it to go on a diet whilst living next door to a bakery! Heaven help me. Hmmm Maria heaven, what an image - candy floss clouds, rain of chocolate raisins, pavements of butterscotch,  windows of jazzies, lakes of dark warm chocolate...oh the possibilities are endless

Until later adui my friend's xxx


  1. Babe - all I can say is - this tale sounds like you were on a crazy chocolate high - the equivalent of many bottles of wine but all wrapped up in the one chocolate - or however many you ate (does Maria do '1' when it comes to chocolate?!) ;) I know I don't....
    And living next to a bakery ?? I hadn't realized - oh heaven - or hell- whichever way you look at it!! :)
    Your salivating friend (that sounds a bit rank sorry!)

    1. Maria's certainly do not do '1' when it comes to chocolate lol!

      My poor belly and nose have worked together to suss out the baking rota and I always seem to be outside at just the time the new batch of goidies is being pulled out of the oven. The smell is heavenly and very tempting!

      You should definitely come visit if ever you want a mini holiday, I can hen sit :-)
