Thursday, 29 December 2011

I am sailing....I am la la la

Wow I have found my blog and realised I have not written one jot on it since I took up my job - now there's a surprise!

Anyway New Years Resolutions and everything, I'm back and typing from the middle of the Atlantic Ocean :) I'm currently aboard the Rainbow Warrior 3 on a mini voyage between Barcelona and Las Palmas, and have been keeping a little dairy which I will now share with you. Apologies in advance for the random interjections of insanity, its what often happens at sea.

Boxing day and I'm sailing...

We have left Barcelona in stunning sun, none of that snowy white xmas nonsense. The boat itself is like a well oiled machine and I am conscious of being an attention seeking spare part, except I've made myself particularly desirable by mutating into a snot monster.

Eyes and nose streaming constantly I am a slave to my snot rag and am more than a little irritated at the irony of my first holiday in 7 months resulting in my being ill. Typical I suppose.

Random quotes of the day "I have slept and read far too much Toast" and "In my sleep I dribble, the only difference is now my nose does too"

Bon Voyage all healthy people. xxx


  1. oh god - is this you now???! Aiiieeeee! Runs away..... ;)

  2. oh btw that was me..... and though I commented before on my phone but perhaps it didn't do it.
    Bof! Wizbear

  3. but I DID say (before on my phone....) I lOVED the 'attention seeking spare part' and could this perhaps be the title for a whole new story! ;) Sorry you got ill but it's a bit of a given when people are too busy to be ill - (like NIck!) as soon as they get a holiday it's TIMBEEERRRR! Hope you feel better VERY soon - being shipbound has got to do you some good!! :)
    PS anon is easier.. or I have to sign in.... bof grumble! ;)

  4. Yay, no worries i know its you Anon :) Yes sadly I always seem to get ill when off work, but have now become semi human again.

    I may well try and come up with a story based on that - hold tight for tomorrow :)
