Friday, 30 December 2011

Ruddy Sea Gods!


Just a quick nag as I realise I have spent a lot of this blogging episode nagging.

Which Sea God thought it was a good idea to first give me a stinking bad cold, which after quarantine resulted in a flaky red nose and now....a massive red blotchy spotty red rash all over my face that Mark has finally accepted is not a fignment of my imagination. Seriously anyone would think I am:

  1. Allergic to not being at work?
  2. Allergic to holidays?
  3. Allergic to Nutella? (please not this the jar needs to me to finish it!)
  4. Or, have been entered into a Mrs Minging competition that my body is taking ridiculously seriously!
Anyway it is a very quiet day aboard the boat, with major swells and much associated rocking so I doubt people will be doing much or miss me if yet again I have to quarantine myself. Ruddy Sea Gods are taking the mick!


  1. Aw - you poor old thing - I know it's a wicked thing to happen altho rather par for the course I guess.

    POSSIBLY tmi re the whole Mrs Minging thing...! ;) Think I have all the images I need now!!! ;) But just think of the silver lining - you get to be Blog Queen!! Hooray! (oh - and while you're abed have you read my wickin post (it's on the bear blog) I have now set up a new chicken blog but haven't put anything on there yet.

    There now... chicken stories - are you perhaps inspired to some animal fiction while incarcerated/incapacited/incognito...?? ;)
    Wizzums x

  2. I will certainly read yours and am feeling much more of a writer of late so lots of ideas to play with :)
