The Challenge
We all brought in a mystery wrapped item, popped them in the middle of the table, each chose one and scurried off to a corner where no one else could see us unwrap it. The challenge was to write a poem about the object, without saying what it was, but personifying - giving it an attitude or emotions. Here is mine, can you guess what it is?
My ash filled bowels
tell of past letters and scraps
I can destroy your darkest secret
and warm your now cleansed soul
Air bellows through my body
tainted with a musky past
Heavily used but not abused
my every millimetre has a
trace of my use
A dark shadow of memories
Burnt but not forgotten
Well? Any guesses? To be honest I didn't know what it was when I was writing about it, but here is an similar image of what I had to work with

Does the picture help? Well, I was later informed that it is a bee smoker. The smoke calms the bees while the beekeeper swipes the honey away. Thus less chance of being stung :) You learn something new everyday.
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