A friend rather foolishly told me you could buy harnesses for rats which would enable you to take them for a walk. I know it's a very odd concept, and one if put into practise is bound to raise a few eyebrows - but hey I am known to be a little eccentric, so off I went to the shops.
Roll time forward and I have two harnesses and two rats in the same room but no where near one another. I stupidly let them play on the floor and they are both hiding under the bed. 45 minutes later the bed has been moved back and forth and one rat (Ruppie) has been caught. A further 10 minutes later and Roddy is caught and sat unwillingly on my knee having his harness fitted. After much squirming and a matrix of scratches on my arm, he is walking on a lead! It lasts 1 minute tops. The harness is too loose, he escapes and is under the bed again. Dejar vu sets in and it is another 15 minutes of scrabbling under the bed until Roddy is back in his house.
Rats 1 - Maria 0
Better luck next time?
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