I realise that this is fast becoming a homage to my writing course, but the more I call upon my sub-conscious for inspiration the more concerned I am, that I am actually far odder than first feared. To demonstrate the point the last three days writing has included:
1. The life of a bread bun - told from the point of view of a bread bun
2. The wine induced urge to create giant ironing piles by emptying my wardrobe - I did this!
3. His and hers raincoats
Oh God. It has just dawned on me....there is a link between all three. I am becoming the mother of all housewives!!! Baking has infiltrated my dreams, I am beginning to see ironing as a pleasurable activity and if not restrained my sub conscious will allow me to purchase his and hers raincoats! HELP!!! I need to start writing about mad nights on the town, the hidden joys of kebabs and left over curry....arrghhh my mind is struggling to come up with other fun less housewifely things. I may already be doomed!
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