Monday, 16 January 2012

The Joys and Miseries of New Years Resolutions

Ok so 'I'm back at work and seemingly ignoring one of this and last years resolutions to 'write more'. The more I slip back into old habits the more I began to think how successful I had been last year and what luck I was having with this years given that we are less than a month into the year.

Ok last years:

  1. Get to 8.6 stone and stay there
    • Less said about this the better (see cake related blogs)
  2. Hang Paintings
    • Yay I did one!
  3. Keep up my writing (blogs and haiku)
    • Mega fail! and why I love writing
  4. Write a short story or similar
    • does Jo Jo the Spare Part count? Not very ambitious though :(
  5. Create a portfolio of art
    • not a single painting or drawing finished, just two pots
  6. Create a painting worthy of hanging
    • nope
  7. Learn a language
    • I bought the French cd, signed up on LiveMocha and did nothing
  8. Learn a new skill
    • erm...selling art?
  9. Finish making curtains, box, TEFL
    • nope to all three; hald a curtain is hung, the box has been abandoned and no time for TEFL
  10. Say YES more
    • erm...well I said Yes to work a lot, but I'm not sure that was entirely what I meant
Well thats enlightning. With 365 days to make use of I failed on all bar one and in fairness Mark helped me hang the paintings so I can't even take full credit for that. So am I doing any better with this years?

2012 Resolutions

  1. Work less
    • Well I'm down a collegue but I think I'm doing slightly better
  2. Give up eating Beef and Lamb
    • I was doing so well...and then I went out for a birthday chinease buffet and on auto pilot I cmplimented the braised beef with ginger, ate a load of ribs and remembered I wasnt meant to have eaten either of those things 2 hours later.
  3. Get fitter
    • I just cant motivate myself but I am walking the dog a little more. 3 gym sessions this week...
  4. Write more
    • Still not as much as I would like
  5.  Be a better wife
    • erm..maybe. I'm home more, the house is cleaner, but I'm not back baking yet
  6. Don't pick at face
    • I just cant stand spots so this is a hard habit to crack but I'm much better than I was
  7. Spend less time watching T.V.
    • Doing well on this :)
  8. Holiday more with friends
    • Plans are in motion - Morroco, Venice, London, Bhutan....very exciting!
  9. Eat more slowly
    • erm...still learning this. I had actually forgotten I was meant to be doing this.
  10. Drink more water and less coffee
    • Surprisingly I am slowly getting better, it is so cold at work I am drinking masses of hot water to try and warm up.
  11. Finish things I start....
    • Does that mean I have to do last years as well?
So has this helped? I think it might have got my mind back on track with what I am meant to be doing. Maybe a review each month might improve my chances of actually achieving these.

Fingers crossed!