Friday, 11 March 2011

Random Baking Poem

Gosh I hadn't realised how long it had been since I wrote something. Well I'm back now, and randomly spurred on by my recent birthday cake baking binge, I have written a daft poem. Hope you like it.

You know I love to bake
fantastic yummy cake
and muffins, biscuits, tarts and crumbles
All ensure your tummy rumbles

I make them big, I make them small
I'll make them at your beck and call.
Filled with luscious buttercream
and strawberry jam, it tastes a dream

At night I dream of chocolate dark and rich
and making cakes without a glitch
Then rise and shine, and off I go
To make a batch of cookie dough

My kitchens where I weave my magic
To miss out surely would be tragic
So hurry over quick quick quick
To guarantee your favourite pick

I'm sure you could come up with more cakey loving verses, so please feel free to add them.

Love from a cake stuffed
Maria xx